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"Legend - a lie
Middletown street scenes from early c. 1900 postcards. (SMFSD Middler Collection)
By clicking on the links below you will open PDF files that compile known facts about the 23 first settler families, along with sources to consult and verify. (If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader already on your system, scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to download the software.) And now . . . hit the links: The in-depth profiles of the first 23 families --- along with time lines, land grant maps, and chapters on the broad context of 17th-century life in Middletown --- are also included in Early Families of Middletown, Connecticut - Volume I: 1650-1654 (2012) by R.W. Bacon, published by Variety Arts Press. 1655-1700 settler profiles:More than a dozen years in the making, Early Families of Middletown, Connecticut - Volume II: 1655-1700 was published in 2024, a 448-page hardcover compendium of genealogical profiles, land grant maps, and chapters of relevant 17th/18th-century historical and cultural context. Co-authors R.W. Bacon and Paula K. Higgins compiled 83 additional profiles individuals and families known to have resided in Middletown before 1700. Below are the earliest versions (2008-2009) of selected profiles by master researcher Paula K. Higgins that she more recently refined, augmented, and edited for publication.
Links to the In-Depth First Settler Profiles are in Adobe Acrobat format. This file format ("PDF," or Portable Document Format) is an Internet and graphics industry standard, and requires the free Adobe Acrobat reader software. If this software is not already on your system, you can download the free Acrobat Reader software by clicking here. |